National Association of Teachers of Singing

Lehigh Valley Chapter


We are a professional organization of teachers of singing affiliated with the National Association of Teachers of Singing. Our mission is to encourage the highest standards of vocal art and ethical principles in the teaching of singing and to promote education and research in all related fields.

We meet for mutual education and the sharing of ideas, information, concepts and techniques. Competitions, master classes and workshops provide performing opportunities and learning experiences for our students.

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Learn more about what we do!

Our chapter offers 5 yearly events for our teacher members and their students. These range from teacher and student enrichment/education, performance opportunities, auditions and fundraisers. All events are open to the public.

Student Audition Day

To make a donation to help one of our students in their fundraising efforts and to support our Vocal Arts Scholarship Program with a tax deductible donation, please click here:

Would you like to support our Vocal Arts Scholarship?